Killer Collection of Short Videos Shows You How
by Joe Dysart * Sept. 19, 2022
If you’ve been hanging back from trying AI writing for fear that the learning curve is too treacherous, take heart: A new series of free videos enables you to learn the basics in one day.
Released by AI writing company Jasper, an industry leader, the collection of mostly one-to-three minute videos – a couple of dozen in all – encompasses all you need to know to get started in AI writing.
Appropriately dubbed “Boot Camp,” the cheeky and irreverent tone of the video series makes getting acquainted with AI writing a hoot.
Plus, the series – which can be easily viewed in an afternoon — gives you the confidence to launch-off on your own and become a power user of AI writing software.
Even better: While Boot Camp was designed to get you comfortable using the Jasper autowriter, there’s a double-payoff.
Once you’ve grasped the basics of Jasper with Boot Camp, you’ll also have intuited the basics of virtually every AI writer currently on the market.
The reason: Most AI writers, including Jasper, use the same, exact AI autowriting engine – known as GPT-3 – to do all the heavy lifting for you when it comes to auto-generating writing.
In fact, Jasper – like most AI writers – is mostly a software interface.
It runs atop a mind-boggling powerful assemblage of AI code – the supercomputer-powered GPT-3 autowriting engine.
In a phrase, Jasper is designed to enable virtually anyone – not just a computer programmer – to easily use the GPT-3 autowriting engine.
Essentially, learning how to use Jasper is like learning how to drive a car — say using a Corvette.
Once know how to drive a Corvette, you also know how to drive a Ford SUV, a Toyota pickup, a Dodge van – and any number of vehicles that clamor for your attention.
Granted, vehicle features may differ. And some may be designed to excel at some tasks — while deliberately going light on others.
But at the end of the day, all cars work in the same, basic way.
And all autowriters that run atop GPT-3 run in the same, basic way, too.
Another major bonus that comes with checking-out Boot Camp: Besides serving up a truly entertaining look at how to get started in AI writing, the video series does a great job dispelling common myths associated with the tech.
Turns out, for example, that getting AI to auto-generate a long-form blog post or article involves a little more than simply punching in a few words and hitting ‘enter.’
Instead, you need to work with AI writers – paragraph by paragraph – to yield the kind of quality writing you’d be willing to sign your name to on your blog, or use on your Amazon store.
Boot Camp also freely admits that Jasper – and by association, all other autowriters using GPT-3 – is not perfect in other ways.

For example: Left to run without clear, specific — and continually tweaked inputs — from you, Jasper, like other autowriters based on GPT-3, quickly starts bucking like a berserk bronco, spewing nonsense, rolling-out untruths, veering off into repetitious phasing — and worse.
The overarching message from Jasper here: Look, let’s admit AI writing at this stage is not perfect.
But if you’re willing to work with the tech’s idiosyncrasies, you can auto-generate some sterling results.
Fortunately, Jasper – like a lot of autowriters relying on GPT-3 – comes with a great deal of programming specifically designed to accommodate those idiosyncrasies.
You’ll find a number of pre-fabricated templates in Jasper, for example, that help tame the wild stallion to enable you to much more easily produce text in pre-configured formats like auto-generated emails, social media posts, Amazon product descriptions, blog posts, articles and the like.
There are 50+ of these Jasper templates to date.
And the autowriter’s obsessed-with-quality-and-dazzlement developers are continually coming up with more.
Plus, Jasper developers and users have also discovered that the mighty mustang can be cajoled even further by adding a pre-fabricated series of commands to your text inputs – known as ‘recipes’ – which help auto-generate copy that’s even more closely tailored to your needs.
The especially good news here is that there are a number of already existing – and free – recipes that come standard with Jasper.
Plus, the Jasper user community is continually coming up with even more recipes – often demonstrated via easy-to-understand YouTube videos – that are also free.
A Few Caveats
Before firing-up Boot Camp, there are a few caveats you should keep in mind.
First: You may find Boot Camp’s ‘snackable’ videos – mostly one-to-three minutes a piece – a bit fast-paced.
So you may want to prepare yourself to play each video with the understanding that you may want to stop back for additional peeks.
Second: You may find that experimenting with Jasper can get very pricey, very quickly. If you’re looking to auto-generate long-form blogs or articles, for example, you’ll want to go with Jasper’s premium plan.
Dubbed ‘Boss Mode,’ that plan offers an initial 100,000 words of auto-generation at $99.
And while 100,000 words may sound like a lot, you’ll most likely find yourself burning-through that allotment fairly quickly once you’re comfortable using Jasper.
One alternative: You may want to use Jasper to learn the basics of AI and then switch over, temporarily or permanently, to a very inexpensive alternative – such as HeyFridayAI— to polish-off your AI writing skills.
With HeyFridayAI, for example, you can experiment with basic AI writing endlessly.
Simply pay them $59/month and you’ll be free to auto-generate an infinite number of words.
A third consideration: While Boot Camp will most likely inspire you to stick with Jasper long-term, there are a number of worthy competitors you’ll probably want to at least test-drive once you’ve gotten the hang of AI writing.
That makes sense given that many competitors to Jasper are a lot less expensive to use and sometimes offer special features that Jasper lacks.

WordHero, for example, enables you to auto-generate spoken voice audio from any text you generate from the AI writer.
That really comes in handy if you’re looking to convert your blog post to a podcast.
Plus, SEMRush currently sports a much heavier emphasis on the search engine optimization of the text you auto-generate with AI — at no extra charge.
Even so, if you find yourself a bit time-pressed to test-drive all of Jasper’s competitors, you’ll at least want to keep tabs on what’s going on with the top ten most recommended AI writers.
A good way to put together a list of the top ten autowriters is to visit leading software recommendation sites G2Crowd, Capeterra, and and see what’s scoring high there.
Currently, each of the following AI writers is highly rated on one or more of the above software recommendation sites.
And each has triggered at least 100 reviews from users. (Not featured on this list are AI ‘writing assistants’ that do not create content from scratch.)
The top ten AI writers based on those metrics – in no particular order — are:
Those caveats aside, once you make your way through Jasper Boot Camp’s collection of short, punchy – and truly entertaining – videos, you’ll most likely find yourself wondering why you held back from AI writing for so long.
And you’ll also probably find yourself coming up with creative ways to maximize the use of AI in your writing life.
Towards those valuable insights, here’s a rundown on what to expect from the videos in Boot Camp:
A Peek Inside Bootcamp
*Jasper Overview: This sets the tone for the video series and also telegraphs that you’re in for a fair share of grins-and-giggles as you learn.
*Jasper – The Basics: This gives you a tour of the Jasper dashboard, how to access basic tools and how to connect with the Jasper community.
*How Jasper Thinks: This is a series of short videos that offers a quick dive into what makes Jasper tick — and how you can use that understanding to secure the best results from the autowriter.
Included are close-ups on how Jasper was trained to be so ‘smart’ and how Jasper relies on statistics-based word prediction to auto-generate copy.
You’ll also learn why expert use of Jasper hinges on realizing and leveraging the insight that Jasper loves patterns and keeps scrutinizing your inputs to uncover ‘What is the pattern these inputs are asking me to follow here?’
*Tweaking Jasper with Templates: Jasper developers have put together 50+ templates designed to help the autowriter excel at specific writing formats – such as emails, social media posts, Amazon product descriptions, long-form blog posts and many more.
This series of videos offers a quick look at those templates, a test-drive of a specific template and tips on getting the most from templates.
Using Jasper to Auto-Generate Long-Form Text

Bloggers, article writers and others working in long-form writing will want to delve into this next series of videos.
It examines in-depth how to use Jasper’s premium version, Boss Mode – which is designed to help you easily auto-generate long-form text.
Here you’ll find:
*Introduction to Documents: Every long-form post starts by calling-up a Jasper document, which looks similar to a Word doc or Google doc.
*Getting the Most from Documents: Here you’ll learn how to expertly use text inputs to yield the best results from the autowriter.
*Handy Jasper Tools: This video shows you how to tweak fonts and the like in Jasper.
It also shows you how to easily move the content you create with the autowriter to WordPress or a similar Web authoring tool.
There are also spotlights here on a tool that enables you to rephrase any text — and a tool that simplifies the wording of any text.
And you’ll also learn in this video how to edit and proofread text created with Jasper using Grammarly — or check for plagiarism using Copyscape — for an additional fee.
Plus, there’s also a look at tools that you can use for short-cuts and other pro-level use of the software.
*Editor Modes: Switching Modes to Access Templates or SEO: Here you’ll learn how to reach-out and use various Jasper templates while you’re in document mode.
You may want to access Jasper’s special paragraph generator for a specific task while you’re auto-generating a text, for example.
Plus, you’ll also see how to activate Surfer SEO – for an additional fee – that shows you quite dramatically how to optimize your text for higher ranking in search engine returns.
*Tone of Voice: Write Like the Most Eurudite of Bards – or a Crack Wise Like the Best of Comedians: One of the most magical aspects of AI writing is its ability – with training – to write in the style of Shakespeare or in the voice of George Carlin.
Click here to learn how to set such a tone of voice for your Jasper writing.
*Getting the Most from Jasper Commands: Here you’ll find insight on how to access – and/or make-up – your own commands in Boss Mode to better solicit the specific kind of copy you’re looking for from Jasper.
*Voice Command Mode: Use Jasper Like You Use Alexa:
Fresh-in from the ‘We-Thought-of-Everything-Department” comes this gem: A look at how you can use voice commands to operate Jasper, rather than using that antiquated keyboard.
*Power User: Using a Jasper ‘Recipe’ to Fine-Tune Copy Ouput: With this video, you’ll see how to auto-generate a blog post, article or similar text more to your liking if you use a series of commands – known as ‘recipes’ – to artfully inform Jasper about the inner structure of the copy you’re looking to create.
Jasper comes standard with plenty of pre-fabricated recipes.
Plus, you can find additional recipes by visiting the Jasper Community.
Even better: This video also shows you how to create your own recipes for the ultimate in text customization.
More Jasper Tips and Tricks

Once you’re comfortable using Jasper, you’ll be able to enhance your overall experience with the AI writer using these ancillary videos:
*Keyboard Shortcuts:
Click here for quick ways to speed-up your use of the AI writer.
*Jasper Account Management for Teams: Businesses looking to integrate use of Jasper throughout a department – or across the enterprise – will want to check-out this video.
*Jasper – No Plagiarism Worries: Jasper developers assure users that all copy auto-generated by the autowriter is 99.9999% plagiarism free – as guaranteed in this video.
Even so, you can easily integrate plagiarism-checker Copyscape with the Jasper platform if you’re still fretting over that .0001%.
*Graduation Day: “Pomp-and-Circumstance,” please. This video officially recognizes you as an AI wizard when it comes to using Jasper – assuming you’ve viewed and grasped all the previous videos.
*Get ‘Jasper Certified:’ Click here for the skinny on how to become a Jasper-recognized expert. This certification authenticates your proficiency with Jasper software at your workplace, at your digital marketing agency – or as an independent writer or marketing consultant.
*Jasper Academy: Technically, Jasper Academy is separate from its Boot Camp. Even so, you’ll want to click here to check-out longer-form videos that offer deep dives into getting the most from the autowriter.
Day Two: Taking the On-Ramp to Power User
Once you’ve grasped how to use Jasper in a basic way, you’ll probably find yourself jonesing for someone who can show you – step-by-step – how to become a power user.
Far and away one of the best of this breed is ‘Corrie Who Writes.’
A professional writer and Jasper-certified expert, Corrie has a true gift for producing extremely engaging, insightful and easy-to-understand how-to Jasper videos, which pull-back-the-curtain on how to truly master the AI writer.
In a phrase, watching one of Corrie’s videos is like sitting next to a whip-smart friend who can clearly, thoughtfully – and patiently – show you step-by-step how to get to the next level with the autowriter.
One of the greatest strengths of Corrie’s approach, in fact, is her patience.
Essentially, all of her videos unfold at an easy-to-follow — yet still very engaging — pace.
There’s no rushing through things with Corrie.
She takes the time to ensure you get what’s going on – without slowing you down in any way.
With Corrie’s video “How to Write an SEO Blog Post,” for example, she invites you to look over her shoulder as she patiently and efficiently puts together a long-form post specifically designed to rank high in search engine returns.
One of the video’s greatest benefits: Corrie’s willingness to show you, line-by-line, how she uses her own creative process as a writer to create a high-scoring post.

You’ll learn in this video, for example that:
*The key to working with Jasper has a lot to do with the text inputs you use along the way.
Every auto-generation of words you get from Jasper starts first with a word or series of words you input to trigger the autowriter to start writing.
So the more expert and more creative you’re able to become in inputting that word or series of words, the happier you’ll be with the auto-generated writing that is triggered.
*You can trigger Jasper to auto-generate a long-form post outline for you with say eight-or-so subheads – and then trigger Jasper to auto-generate a paragraph detailing each subhead.
*If you’re not happy with any paragraph Jasper auto-generates, you can trigger the autowriter to instantly generate alternatives – over and over again – until you get the kind of paragraph that’s just right for you
*You can also re-organize some or all of the subheads Jasper auto-generates to give the autowriter a better idea of what you’re going for in the post
*You can add your own subheads to a post – and remove some of those generated by Jasper – to give the autowriter a clearer idea of the post you want
*You can work with a third-party program within Jasper – known as SurferSEO – that will optimize your post for high rankings in the search engines
*Overall, you can get the most from Jasper if you’re willing to work closely and creatively with the AI writer to collaborate on a piece of text – especially when it comes to auto-generating long-form posts
More Videos from Corrie
Fortunately, Corrie has been jazzed about Jasper for some time.
So she already has a slew of videos published on her YouTube Channel that will really give you an edge the next time you sit down with the autowriter.
Those videos will also save you the weeks of time you’d otherwise have to invest coming up with the same insights Corrie shares with you with such clarity.
Some great videos from Corrie to start with include:
*Is Jasper Any Good? My Jasper AI Review 2022
*How to Find Blog Post Ideas With Jasper
*How to Write a (Business) Services Page Easily with Jasper Recipes
Meanwhile, you can also drill-down for extremely detailed insight on specific aspects of Jasper with these YouTube playlists (video collections) that Corrie has put together:
*Jasper Recipes: (9 videos)
*Surfer SEO Tutorials: Detail on the SEO tool that integrates seamlessly with Jasper (6 videos)
*Jasper AI Videos: A complete rundown on all of Corrie’s Jasper Videos (30 videos)
Advanced Insights for Power Users

Once you’re at the point that you feel you can operate Jasper in your sleep (such a near-Nirvanna state will probably take more than a day or two to achieve), there are even more videos you can check-out to further deepen your appreciation of AI writing technology.
High on that list: The increasing numbers of ‘shoot-out’ videos surfacing on YouTube, which compare Jasper’s prowess with that of its competitors.
These are great eye-openers for advanced users who want to make sure Jasper is the optimum solution for the kind of AI writing they’re doing – at the optimum price-point.
You’ll discover in the shoot-out videos, for example, that many AI writers are a lot less expensive than Jasper – although they might not work as snappily as the autowwriter.
Plus, you’ll see first hand that other AI writers competing with Jasper by offer unique features.
WordHero, as previously mentioned, enables you to auto-generate spoken voice from any text you generate from the AI writer – perfect for converting a blog post to a podcast.
And SEMRush currently sports a much heavier emphasis on the search engine optimization of the text you auto-generate — at no extra charge.
Below are some good shoot-out videos to get you started.
You can find more by Googling “Jasper compare,” “Jasper versus” “Jasper alternative” and similar keyphrases:
*Jasper Versus Writecream, by Digital Creator Avi: Avi concludes in this video that Jasper has a decided advantage over this competitor in terms of writing quality.
But you still may want to at least try Writecream, given that it’s significantly less expensive and offers a unique feature that enables you to convert any text auto-generated into spoken-word audio.
*Jasper Versus Ryter, by Edy Chandra: Chandra compares the two AI writers by using the same text inputs and recording what each piece of software auto-generates in response.
This video helps reinforce the point that most autowriters are working with the same underlying writing engine – GPT-3 – and consequently spend a great deal of time coming up with ways to tweak the operation of GPT-3.
In the end, Chandra believes Jasper may have a slight edge over Ryter.
But he encourages you to come up with your own conclusion.
*Jasper Versus WordHero, by Chris Myles: A longtime Jasper user, Myles says he now prefers WordHero – given that the alternative is much less expensive.
The price differential is eye-popping: Jasper charges $99/month for 100,000 auto-generated words for long-form writing.
WordHero offers an unlimited number of auto-generated words at $49/month.
One note: Myles uses AI writing primarily for auto-generating short-form text like emails, social media posts, blog conclusions and similar.
Overall, Myles admits Jasper may be faster than WordHero.
But he has become a WordHero believer – insisting that the autowriter produces auto-generated, short-form text at least as good – if not better – than Jasper.
*Jasper Versus Closers Copy, by Digital Creator Avi:
Closers Copy is good if you’re looking for an inexpensive alternative to Jasper, according to Avi.
The AI writer bills at $79/month for unlimited word auto-generating as compared to Jasper’s significantly higher fee.
Plus, Closers Copy comes with a free search engine optimization (SEO) tool – something you need to add-on at an additional fee with Jasper.
Bottom line: Jasper content does produce copy with more depth, auto-generates words more quickly and is easier-to-use, according to Avi.
But if you’re primarily concerned with price, Closers Copy simply dusts Jasper.

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–Joe Dysart is editor of and a tech journalist with 20+ years experience. His work has appeared in 150+ publications, including The New York Times and the Financial Times of London.