AI To Sportscasters: No Humans Needed

We’ve Got the U.S. Open Covered

IBM will be using AI to auto-generate news coverage of the US Open — one of the tennis world’s most important events — August 28 through September 10 in New York.


Essentially, IBM’s AI will monitor the swipe of every racket in every singles match during the competition.

And it will translate the analysis it writes about that play into complete, AI-narrated video coverage.

“Fans accessing the US Open digital experiences this year will be able to experience every singles match — across all seventeen courts — with detailed audio narration and captions accompanying each video,” says Jonathan Adashek, senior vice president of communications and marketing, IBM.

The silver lining for merely human sportscasters: Rumor has it, there are still some jobs available at the the tennis match selling hot dogs.

In other analysis of AI-generated writing news:

*In-Depth Guide: Roll-Your-Own ChatGPT — Because Your Data Deserves Better Than Off-the-Shelf AI: If you’re looking for an easy way to create a ChatGPT-like chatbot that’s trained on just your data, developer Matt Kikonorov offers a quick way to make that happen.

Observes Kikonorov: “For example, imagine you have a dataset consisting of thousands of company earnings reports.

“You’d like to explore and analyze it without spending hours of your time.

“A good option would be to make a chatbot to answer any questions you may have about the documents — to save you having to manually search through them.”

If you’re a dogged novice, Kikonorov’s step-by-step guidance here should be enough to get you going.

Even better: If you’re a business, you can simply hand-over Kikonorov’s approach to your IT department and get their feedback on how quickly they can implement the method.

*ChatGPT’s ‘Custom Instructions:’ Elevating Wordplay From Meh to Meh-stro: Custom Instructions — two new tools that enable writers to generate higher quality writing from ChatGPT — are now available to all ChatGPT users, including those who use the free version.

In practice, Custom Instructions enable you to auto-generate:

~Higher-quality press releases

~Higher-quality Facebook posts

~Higher-quality emails

~Higher-quality YouTube scripts

~Higher-quality writing tone and style guides

~Similar higher quality writing

For an extremely informative look on how to get the most from ChatGPT Custom Instructions, check-out this video demo from ChatGPT expert Corrie Who Writes.

*From Chit-Chat to Guard Duty: OpenAI’s ChatGPT Now Moderates Online Content: ChatGPT maker OpenAI has released a detailed method on its blog on how to use OpenAI tech to moderate text posted to your online community, blog, private social media network and similar.

The method uses OpenAI’s GPT-4 — the company’s most advanced autowriting engine — to do the moderating.

A caveat: According to OpenAI, the method is not perfect.

But the approach certainly reduces content moderation workload significantly.

*Claude2 to ChatGPT: Hold My Thesaurus!: Writer Bijin Jose believes AI writer Claude2 leaves ChatGPT in the dust.

Some of Jose’s rationale:

~Claude2 can work with up to 75,000 words as a frame-of-reference for writing what you want — compared to about 4,000 words offered by ChatGPT.

~Claude2 is much faster and more efficient when it comes to generating ideas, helping with writing, editing and copywriting and summarization, according to Jose.

~Claude2’s overall performance also seems faster than ChatGPT: “While this is entirely subjective, in our experience, Claude2 was faster in processing responses,” according to Jose.

Bottom: Reports like these inspire all makers of autowriting engines to become ever more competitive — a solid, ongoing win for users.

*Holy AI! Christianity Discovers the Chatbot: Some Christians have leveraged the latest in AI tech to create chatbots dedicated to proselytizing Christianity.

Biblemate, for example, bases its answers to life’s difficult questions on a Christian worldview.

And offers similar support using insight gleaned from church sermon libraries, according to creator Joe Suh.

Observes Suh: “There are mixed reactions. In one camp, people are blown away. They think it is magical.

“A second camp is a bit more skeptical — especially church leaders.”

*ChatGPT Rival’s Ongoing Forecast — Blizzard of Bucks: Some of the blizzard of new funding for AI writing and similar has again landed on Anthropic’s doorstep — this time to the tune of $100 million.

Anthropic makes Claude2 — a stiff competitor to ChatGPT.

Observes writer Benjamin Pimentel: “San Francisco AI startup Anthropic has secured an additional $100 million in funding just three months after raising $450 million in venture capital.”

*Too Hot to Handle?: 75% of Businesses Implementing — or Considering — ChatGPT Ban: Refusing to trust workers to use ChatGPT responsibly, 75% of businesses worldwide are considering — or have already implemented — a ban on ChatGPT use in the workplace, according to a new survey.

Observes writer Eileen Yu: “Respondents pointed to risks associated with data security, privacy and brand reputation as reasons for the ban.

“Another 83% expressed concerns that unsecured applications were a security threat to their IT environment.”

Sounds like a majority of AI-conversant businesses will soon look into private-access, dedicated chatbots that perform similarly to ChatGPT.

*Why Think, When AI Can Ink?: Use of AI Seeping Into Academic Journals: Apparently, K-12 and university students are not the only ones in academia using AI to auto-generate papers.

Wired reports that many established science academics are using autowriters, too.

Observes writer Amanda Hoover: “Peer-reviewed academic journals are grappling with submissions in which the authors may have used generative AI to write outlines, drafts, or even entire papers — but failed to make the AI use clear.”

*AI Big Picture: Tick Tock — Smart-As-A-Human AI in Three Years or Less?: Anthropic CEO Dario Amodei warns that the Age of AI that’s as-smart-as-a-human could be here much sooner than we bargained for.


Amodei’s prediction is especially chilling given that he and his company are taken extremely seriously by the AI and investor communities.

Anthropic makes Claude2, a serious competitor to ChatGPT.

And Anthropic has bagged $550 million in new funding from the investor community in just the past three months.

Observes writer Mike Kaput: “If his predictions are even close to correct, AI may be poised to have a more profound impact on employment and the economy sooner than expected.”

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Joe Dysart is editor of and a tech journalist with 20+ years experience. His work has appeared in 150+ publications, including The New York Times and the Financial Times of London.

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How artificial intelligence is automating writing