At Forbes, AI Editorial Tool Spikes Profits

Forbes has set new records in audience size, revenue and profit, thanks to its AI (artificial intelligence) driven content management system, Bertie, according to Salah Zalatimo, the company’s chief digital officer.


The system has become an invaluable aid to Forbes reporters, suggesting article ideas, creating article rough drafts and synthesizing research in text form on any given topic, according to Zalatimo.

It also optimizes headlines and offers suggestions on article length, publication time and image selection.

In other AI-generated writing news:

*Getting a Hands-on Look at AI-Generated Writing Tools: Marketing conferences are great places to put AI writing tools for marketing through their paces. Allie Freeland, adjunct professor at University of Kansas, offers a curated look at these get-togethers slated for this year.

*Learning to Spot True Artificial Intelligence: AI-generated writing company Phrasee offers a guide on how to discern true AI apps from the posers.

“AI has been a hot topic for the last few years, so it’s not surprising that some companies are trying to ride the coattails by falsely claiming they are using AI,” says Neil Yager, co-founder, Phrasee.

“Unfortunately, it’s not always immediately obvious which companies are being honest, and which ones are trying to pull a fast one.

“My advice  is to always ask vendors how they are using AI in their solutions. In fact, it’s even more important to ask why they are using AI — as for some tasks other techniques can actually be more robust and effective.”

*New AI Tool Auto-Generates Headlines: AI company Primer has developed a tool that auto-generates headlines. The results are hit-or-miss – some of the AI-generated headlines are attention-grabbing, others miss the mark completely.

Either way, there’s little doubt the tool will grow more adept as its developers tweak its code.

*Now AI-Generated Writing Can Make You Wince, Too: Researchers at Stanford University and University of California have developed an AI pun generator. One of the bigger groaners: “The greyhound stopped to get a hare cut.”

The incentive behind the research is to infuse AI-generated writing with humor.

*Yet Another AI-tool for Punching-Up Your Writing: Mashable takes a look at ProWritingAid Premium. The solution is designed to check grammar, style and offer suggestions for improving your writing.

It employs artificial intelligence to fix repetitiveness, vague wording, sentence length variation, over-dependence on adverbs, passive voice and the like.

*With Creativity, Humans Still Have the Edge Over AI: Auto-generated writing may be able to produce reams of functional copy in seconds.

But when it comes to the truly creative, it’s still no match against a human, according to Dominick Sorrentino, a Chicago-based writer.

“Getting a bot to understand language is very different than endowing it with the ability to say just the right thing at just the right time to elicit a response. That’s the domain of the novelist, the film maker, the visual artist, the musician and the content creator,” Sorrentino observes.

*Automated Insights’ Current Capabilities: CIO Reviews offers an updated snapshot on the current capabilities of Automated Insights’ AI-generated writing tool.

“Wordsmith’s services include a detailed analysis for business intelligence dashboards, ecommerce product descriptions and personalized customer communications that scale,” according to Automated Insight’s CEO Marc Zionts.

*Your Copywriting Job is Safe — For Now: “It’s not rational to assume AI in digital marketing will cause all human jobs to succumb to computerization,” observes Vince Jeffs, director of strategy and product marketing, Pegasystems, an automated marketing toolmaker.

“Expect instead machines to take over simpler roles just as they’ve taken over much of our manual labor in farming. Although ‘never say never’ applies to nearly anything, it’s unlikely your marketing job will be taken by AI.

“But another human that knows how to use AI in digital marketing more effectively than you — well that’s another story.”


*AI-Generated Writing Tool Integrates With Marketo: Atomic Reach, an AI marketing content solution, has joined Launchpoint by Marketo, an Adobe company.

Atomic Reach uses AI to personalize email subject lines and body content.

It also auto-generates customized content for customer segments and customer ‘personas,’ based on a customer’s profile. Plus, Atomic Reach includes an AI-powered ‘Smart Editor’ to enable writing teams to create more effective copy faster.

Joe Dysart is a tech journalist with 20+ years experience. His work has appeared in 150+ publications, including The New York Times and the Financial Times of London.

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How artificial intelligence is automating writing