AI-Curated Newsletter Cuts cancellations 49%

The U.K.’s Times and Sunday Times were able to reduce cancellations by 49% using an AI (artificial intelligence) curated e-newsletter, according to Mike Migliore, head of customer value, News UK.


Essentially, the AI-tech generated personalized emails offering content based on subscribers’ individual interests. The content was presented in subscribers’ preferred format and emailed to them at the moment they were most likely to read it.

In other AI-generated writing news:

*Copywriting and Marketing Among Top Jobs Being Disrupted by AI: Copywriter marketers who want to remain relevant will need to stay conversant with the latest in AI copywriting and marketing tools, according to Analytics Insight.

These solutions enable copywriter marketers to easy generate more personalized and more compelling content. Marketing companies without these tools are destined to fail.

*AI-Generated Writing Frees-up Reporters for More Creative Work, AP Says: “The work of journalism is creative,” says Lisa Gibbs, news partnerships director at the Associated Press.

” It’s about curiosity, it’s about storytelling, it’s about digging and holding governments accountable. It’s critical thinking, it’s judgment — and that is where we want our journalists spending their energy.”

*AI-Generated Writing – A View From Sweden: Automated writing has freed-up Swedish journalists to work on more intricate stories, according to Soren Karlsson, CEO, United Robots, an AI-generated writing toolmaker.

In fact, nearly all major publishers in Sweden now use AI-generated writing, according to Karlsson.

*AI Headline Writer a Contender: Axios says that while a new AI headline writer from Primer may not be perfect, it’s a contender in a competition against mere mortals. Primer’s system read more than one million news articles and headlines to ‘learn’ how to auto-generate its own headlines.

*AI in Newsrooms Report Due Out Fall 2019: Journalism AI, a project funded by the Google News Initiative, is promising to release a study analyzing how AI is being used in newsrooms across the globe.

Researchers say they’ll be analyzing how AI is changing the editorial process and how AI is impacting publisher’s bottom lines.

*AI Translation Company Expanding Scope: Jeff Koffman, CEO of Trint, says the company plans to add additional products to help journalists leverage AI.

“Here at Trint, we don’t want to be seen simply as a transcription tool,” says Koffman, who has 30 years experience as a war reporter. “That’s why our tagline is, ‘Beyond Transcription.'”


*Teen Creates AI Simulated Lyrics Generator: A 16-year-old wunderkind has come up with an AI program that generates lyrics in the style of popular hip-hop artists. Simply type in an artist’s name and the lyrics appear. The teen says he built the AI lyrics generator in 6 hours with a friend.

*Data Journalism Awards Releases 2019 Shortlist: For a look at some of the best in data journalism – including a number of news organizations using AI-generated writing — check out this list.

The annual competition is squired by the Global Editors Network, an international association of 6,000+ editors-in-chief and media executives. Their mission: nurturing digital innovation in the newsroom.

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How artificial intelligence is automating writing