Writer Christopher Kokoski says he’s found a way to easily build an AI tool that auto-writes in his style.
An avowed non-programmer, Kokoski says he’s using a service on the Web – Riku.ai – which enables even a novice to quickly build a custom tool to write in the style of any specific writer.
Kokoski uses the tool by first loading countless numbers of articles he has written into Riku.ai’s prompt builder.
Then he chooses a supercomputer-driven autowriter like GPT-3, also accessible from within the Riku.ai interface, to ingest and study his articles — and ultimately discern and mimic his writing style.
Once the custom autowriter is created, Kokoski says triggering the tool to write an article in his voice is simply a matter of loading-in a detailed article outline – complete with a series of prompts – and then allowing the tool to work its magic.
Kokoski is so jazzed with his results, he’s decided to create a custom autowriter using Riku.ai for each one of his Web sites – which cover different topics.
Meanwhile, another AI writing service provider –Writer — now offers similar, ‘auto-generate writing in your own style’ capability with its new module ‘CoWrite.’
Bottom-line: Sites like Riku.ai and tools like CoWrite could become game-changers for AI writing.
The reason: While many pro writers have eyed AI-writing with interest during the past few years, many have hung back, unwilling to use tools that produced a style of writing that sounded too generic.
Sites like Riku.ai and tools like CoWrite could change all that.
Essentially, once pro writers find they’re able to auto-generate articles in their precise writing styles – i.e., writing that meets their exacting standards of phrasing, wit, taste and the like – it will be tough for them to resist using those tools to at least auto-generate some writing.
In other AI-generated writing news:
*In-Depth Guide: HeyFridayAI.com: Reviewer Jamie Freya Knott says autowriter HeyFridayAI is a cheaper, viable alternative to one of the industry leaders in AI writing – Jasper.
Observes Knott: “There are many competitors to the wildly popular Jasper software in recent times.
“But I believe HeyFriday I serves as the best option — specifically for those new to utilizing AI writing software.
“HeyFriday is offering a premium tier with ‘Unlimited Words.’
“And even the $20 value is pretty amazing at 200,000 words-a-month being offered.
“The value at the Power ($60) dollar tier (enabling you to auto-generate an unlimited number of words) is unmatched even among other AI software on the market.”
*Photo Editor Now Generates Images From Text: Photo editor Lightricks now includes a new AI tool that enables users to auto-generate an image simply by inputting a text description of what they’re looking for.
Observes Eric Hal Schwartz, a writer for Voicebot.ai: “Anything can be typed in, though there are filters to limit it to an approximately PG rating.
“Once generated, the user owns the image, and they can create as many as they want for free, although signing up for Pro membership earns more high-res downloadable files.”
*Recipes: A Power User’s Approach for the Jasper AI Writer: Jasper has posted an extremely useful video on its blog showing how to use ‘recipes’ to auto-generate more finely tuned articles with its autowriter.
In practice, recipes are simply detailed article outlines that include a series of prompts that signal to the Jasper autowriter the precise kind of article you’re looking for – paragraph by paragraph.
Observes Darby Rollins, founder, The AI Author: “One of the key benefits of recipes is that they allow you to quickly generate content in a variety of formats.
“By following a set sequence of steps, you can create videos, blogs, or social media posts with relative ease.
“Additionally, recipes provide a structure for your content that can help you stay on track and ensure that your final product is of high quality.”
One caveat: Recipes only work if you subscribe to the premium level of Jasper’s autowriter, dubbed ‘Boss Mode.’
*AI Writing Tool Scores $3.1 Million in New Funding: Scalenut – one of the most popular AI writers on the market right now – just snagged new greenbacks.
Scalenut specializes in SEO-optimizing the AI content it generates.
Observes Mayank Jain, co-founder, Scalenut: “We believe that AI-powered SEO and content marketing is the future of digital marketing and Scalenut will not just be at the forefront of it but our goal is to be pioneers of this future.”
*New Service Generates Video News From Text: Start-up Hour One has a new tool any media outlet can use to auto-generate video news reports – featuring virtual anchors – from a text script.
Observes Natalie Monbiot, head of strategy, Hour One: “News and media companies around the world understand the value of creating more video content.
“But filming live news anchors in a studio environment requires a lot of time and investment.
“For news stations and media publishers, access to virtual anchors and studios removes these obstacles and unlocks endless new possibilities, including localization of news content and 24-hour newscasting.”
*Healthy Growth Predicted for AI Writing Market: Growth Market Reports is projecting significant growth ahead for AI writing through 2030.
Observe GMR researchers: “The global AI writing assistant software market is projected to expand at a rapid pace, due to high usage in various applications such as educational & training institutions, government sectors, and publishers.”
Key market players spotlighted in GMR’s report are:
~AI Writer
*New AI Can Distill Subtle Rules Governing Word Use: Experimental AI software developed by university researchers is able to distill subtle grammatical rules for word use.
Observes Adam Zewe, a writer for MIT News: “When given words and examples of how those words change to express different grammatical functions — like tense, case, or gender — in one language, this machine-learning model comes up with rules that explain why the forms of those words change.
“For instance, it might learn that the letter “a” must be added to the end of a word to make the masculine form feminine in Serbo-Croatian.
“This model can also automatically learn higher-level language patterns that can apply to many languages — enabling it to achieve better results.”
*Blooksey: AI Help for Academic Writers: Increasing numbers of professors are turning to AI writer Blooksey to help polish their academic papers, according to founder AJ Joiner.
Blooksey has also caught the attention of colleges and universities looking to teach their students how to write a book during the course of a school year, according to Joiner.
Other AI writers specifically designed to help fine-tune academic writing include:
~DeepL Translate
~Academic Phrasebank
*AI Big Picture: AI-Created Art Wins First Place at State Art Fair: More than a few flesh-and-blood artists are ticked-off that art auto-generated by AI software recently won first prize at the Colorado State Fair.
Observes Jason Allen, who submitted the winning AI-produced artwork in the competition: “I knew this would be controversial.”
In fact, the backlash against the work has only inspired Allen to continue working in AI-generated art.
Adds Allen: “I’m not stopping now.
“This win has only emboldened my mission.”

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–Joe Dysart is editor of RobotWritersAI.com and a tech journalist with 20+ years experience. His work has appeared in 150+ publications, including The New York Times and the Financial Times of London.