Business2Community offers an excellent overview on the top AI writers for rendering SEO copy in this piece.
These tools go beyond simply auto-generating text to ensure the text is also optimized for the search engines.
The upshot: Ideally, you’ll be able to create copy with these AI tools that appears higher up in search engine returns when Web surfers type in keywords corresponding with the topic of your auto-generated copy.
Number one on the pub’s list is Jasper — a pioneer of AI auto-writing –which enjoys similar status on other top ten lists of auto-writing tools.
On Jasper’s heels are Copy.AI, SurferSEO, Clearscope and Frase.
In other AI-generated news:
*In-Depth Guide: Copy.AI: recommends auto-writer CopyAI for marketers and others looking to auto-generate short, pithy copy.
Observes “It takes a lot of creativity and skill to generate compelling long-form and short-form content.
“Most big companies hire a copywriter to do these things for them.
“However, copywriters usually charge a higher fee, as they require both salaries and benefits.
“Thankfully, Copy.AI exists — and it goes for much cheaper than your average copywriter.”
Oh, goodie?
*Numbers Don’t Lie: Automated News That’s Boosting Page Views and Subscriptions: Swedish publisher NTM says AI-generated news brought in 952 new subscribers in 2021 — along with 9.5 million page views.
The company uses automated writing tech from United Robots to auto-generate news on sports, traffic, bankruptcies and business.
Says Anna Karin Tilleby — a project manager at publisher NTM — of the publishing house’s foray into AI writing in 2016: “We were certainly among the first wave.
“The idea was to find a way of writing about the leagues and teams we hadn’t been able to cover.
“But curiosity also played a very big part.
“We really wanted to see what this technology could do and how it might work.”
*AI and PR: A Change is Gonna Come: Despite oft-repeated laments that PR is lagging in its adoption of AI, writer Per Behzat believes it’s only a matter of time before the tech pervades the industry.
Observes Behzat: “The position of the copywriter will be directed into more editorial waters – amending text written by augmented intelligence rather than starting with a blank page.
“Secondly, augmented intelligence will change how we plan and evaluate communications campaigns, with programs emerging that can build matrixes and models that outline the different options we can take and predict their outcomes.”
*AI Writing Firm Snares Major Deal with VISA: AI-generated writing firm Phrasee is partnering with VISA to promulgate use of Phrasee’s AI by European marketers.
Phrasee’s software, Phrasee X, is already used by a number of marketers to generate, automate and analyze ‘brand-optimized’ marketing copy.
Phrasee X also enables marketers to automatically test multiple marketing messages in real-time to select the best of the bunch.
*AI Aces Song Lyrics: A team of researchers has released a new, prototype tool that helps musicians write song lyrics.
An enhancement of the popular AI writing tool Jasper, the software reportedly mimics the lyric writing style of Metallica, Iron Maiden, Lynyrd Skynyrd and other rock bands.
Observes Frasier Lewry, a writer for Louder, a music pub: “We asked Jasper to come up with new lyrics for a bunch of familiar names, and some of the results are brilliant.”
*AI Emotion Surveillance-to-Text Worries Privacy Advocates: A number of new AI apps designed to analyze and report on human emotion in real time concerns some privacy advocates.
New AI transcription software for Zoom — dubbed Headroom — for example, already observes emotions like enthusiasm or boredom in a video meeting and makes a note of those reactions in the written meeting transcript it auto-generates.
Observes writer Glyn Moody: “Essentially, AI normalizes constant high-tech monitoring by authorities, with the risk that young people come to expect this kind of AI surveillance of their emotions throughout their lives.”
*AI-Generated Writing: Everything You Need to Know: Mike Kaput, a senior consultant at PR 20/20, a marketing agency, has put together a great overview of AI-generated writing and its applications in this piece.
Some interesting AI-generated writing tools Kaput unearths:
~Clickvoyant, which uses AI to dramatically reduce the time it takes to extract insights from analytics and create presentations based on those insights
~Drift, which uses conversational AI to remove friction from the buying process with chat, email, video, and automation products
~HyperWrite, which automatically writes sentences and paragraphs based on prompts provided by a human
*AI21 Developing a Smarter AI Writer: AI-generated writing pioneer AI21 is currently souping-up AI auto-writers by integrating the software with online calculators, currency converters, online data clearinghouses and similar tools.
Already, AI21’s Jurassic-X auto-writing tool can plug into a company database to extract information.
And Jurassic-X can also auto-generate better text with its integration with Wikidata, according to writer Kolawole Samuel Adebayo.
*AI Big Picture: Is AI Less Mystifying Than Commonly Thought?: While most of us are slack-jawed about the current and future applications of AI, linguist Emily M. Bender is nonplussed.
Bender’s beef: Too many writers and journalists are hyping AI, waxing wondrous with reporting that flirts with fantasy.
Observes Bender: “While it might not seem to matter if a journalist is beguiled by GPT-3 (a popular auto-writing engine), every puff piece that fawns over its purported ‘intelligence’ lends credence to other applications of ‘AI’ — those that supposedly classify people (as criminals, as having mental illness, etc.) and allow their operators to pretend that because a computer is doing the work, it must be objective and factual.”
To be fair, there are those who see GPT-3 and the current AI renaissance in a somewhat more generous light.
For this alternative view, check-out, “GPT-3 and AI Writing: Stunning, if Imperfect,” by Joe Dysart.)

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–Joe Dysart is editor of and a tech journalist with 20+ years experience. His work has appeared in 150+ publications, including The New York Times and the Financial Times of London.