Search engine now offers an AI-generated writing tool that you can play with for free.
Observes Kyle Wiggers, a writer for VentureBeat: “In its quest to recalibrate expectations around search engines, is today launching a search app built in collaboration with OpenAI that generates snippets — or even documents — of text when given a prompt.
Socher (Richard Sohcher, CEO, calls it a ‘personal AI writer.'”
Dubbed YouWrite, operation of the AI writing tool is fairly simple: Type a subject topic into YouWrite and you’ll be presented with a number of tweaks to control what YouWrite brings back — including paragraph length, target audience and more detail on your topic.
Adds Wiggers: “ will offer YouWrite for free to start.
But frequent users and those who use it to generate longer outputs (think essays) will eventually have to pay for the privilege.”
Socher says that pricing hasn’t been decided yet.
YouWrite uses the supercomputer-driven GPT-3 as its underlying writing engine.
In other AI-generated writing news:
*Menterprise: In-Depth Guide: SEO Affiliate Domination offers an in-depth video guide to this AI writing tool.
Essentially, Menterprise is designed to auto-generate Google-friendly articles, blog posts, emails, Facebook ads and similar copy.
Generally speaking, auto-writers like Menterprise can only generate a paragraph or two at a time on any given topic with any reliability.
For an in-depth look at the current state of the market for AI writing tools, check-out, “Ultimate Guide: Artificial Intelligence Writing Software,” by Joe Dysart.
*Top AI Writing Tools: Mansi Rawat’s List: AI consultant Mansi Rawat has come up with her own list of top tools for automating — and editing — writing.
Tops on her list is Writesonic, followed by Grammarly and WordAI.
One of her more interesting picks is Sapling, an AI editor that also integrates with messaging platforms and customer relationship management systems.
*Using AI-Generated Writing for Email Marketing: A Primer: This is a great step-by-step, under-the-hood look at how to use AI-generated writing to create marketing emails.
Key to its valuable utility: Digital marketing consultant Marcelo Beilin dispels the myth that AI-generated writing is a simple one-push-on-the-button affair.
Instead, he takes you through various methods you can use to manipulate an AI writer to secure the specific output you’re looking for.
*GPT-3’s New Trick: Editing and Enhancing Copy: OpenAI — makers of the wildly popular GPT-3 auto-writing engine — say the tool can now also be used to edit and enhance copy.
This post offers an easy-to-follow look at how the writing engine can insert new text into the middle of existing copy.
Plus, you’ll also find detail on how GPT-3 can be used to edit content — per your written instructions — rather than editing content by simply guessing the changes you want.
Essentially, the upgrade reinforces what many analysts closely following GPT-3 already suspected: Powerful from the outset, GPT-3 appears destined to get even more robust over time.
(For an in-depth look at GPT-3, check out: “GPT-3 and AI Writing: Stunning, if Imperfect,” by Joe Dysart.)
*New AI Monitor Blocks Loss of Sensitive Company Data: Companies looking to block the inadvertent loss of critical data via outgoing emails will want to check-out Armorblox.
The tool uses AI to scan outgoing company emails — and attachments — and block any email featuring proprietary company content.
Armorblox works with Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Exchange and Google Workspace
*AI-Generated Writing and Pharma: Current Inroads: Many pharmaceutical companies are yielding significant new gains with template-driven AI writing, according to AI writing pioneer Arria NLG.
Specific uses of AI writing in pharma, according to Arria, include:
~Business Intelligence Insights
~FP&A Enterprise Reporting
~Clinical Safety Reports
~Clinical Trial Management
~Compliance/Regulatory Reporting
~Prescription Label Automation
~Logistics and Distribution
~COVID-19 Analytics
*Cost Analysis: Opting to Bring AI-Generated Writing In-House: AX Semantics offers a thorough cost analysis on the pros/cons of bringing AI writing onboard in this piece.
Essentially, its a perfect rundown companies can use to determine if AI-generated writing — as opposed to human writing — makes sense for them.
AX Semantics specializes in template-driven AI writing.
For an in-depth look at how template-driven AI writing works — and how its used in auto-generated business reports, check-out:
“Company Reports That Write Themselves,” by Joe Dysart.
*Shoot-Out: Battle of the AI Writing Engines: The Register offers an in-depth look at the writing engines jockeying for dominance in AI writing in this piece.
Currently, most AI writing tools use the supercomputer-driven GPT-3 to power their solutions.
Essentially, GPT-3 is the underlying engine of these apps.
And the tools it undergirds — like Jasper — are simply interfaces that sit atop GPT-3 to enable novices to operate GPT-3.
Once lord of the AI writing world, GPT-3 is now challenged by super-powerful writing engines from a number of rival organizations, including Cohere, AI21, Microsoft and Nvidia, EleutherAI, and HuggingFace.
*AI Big Picture: AI is Everywhere — How We Got There: Popular Science offers an excellent overview in this piece of a new report on the current state of artificial intelligence.
Key AI milestones examined by the report — from Stanford University — include:
~AI tools for image analysis and speech
~Big Tech’s embrace of AI
~Government use — and regulation — of AI

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–Joe Dysart is editor of and a tech journalist with 20+ years experience. His work has appeared in 150+ publications, including The New York Times and the Financial Times of London.