There’s a good chance that the next pro hired on in your marketing department could be AI, according to Brooke Gocklin.
Gocklin is a senior manager at Persado, an AI-generated writing service provider.
Observes Gocklin: “Machines are not human — they’ll never be able to provide the same value.
“But AI is able to work alongside us to generate better results, especially when it comes to repetitive and mundane tasks — like writing A/B test copy variations and surfacing the results back to leaders fast enough to take action.”
Persado — which started as an AI writing firm specializing in auto-generating personalized subject headlines for marketing emails — stunned many copywriters back in 2019 by inking a five-year deal with Chase.
Under the agreement, Chase brought Persado onboard to auto-generate slogans and other ad copy for its credit card and mortgage businesses.
For an alternative perspective on the impact of AI-generated writing on jobs, check-out: “The Robots Cometh: How artificial intelligence is automating writing jobs,” by Joe Dysart.
In other AI-generated writing news:
*In-Depth Guide: This 13-minute video offers a detailed, uncritical look at AI-powered copywriter
The tool’s specialty is localization: It’s designed to quickly auto-generate copy for Yelp, Facebook, LinkedIn and other digital properties in more than 120 languages.
*Norway Publisher Scores Big With Automated Business News: Regional news outlet Bergens Tidende says automated business stories have been a big hit with its readers.
The hyper-local content attracted two million new page views for the news outlet, July-to-December 2021.
Bergens Tidende uses AI-generated writing from United Robots to auto-convert company annual reports into short news summaries.
Says Jan Stian, project lead, Bergens Tidende: “The business bot imitates the whole spectrum of journalism.
“And on top of that is hyper-local — as well as niche.
“Hyper-local, because you can read about the corner shop or the favorite restaurant in your street.
“Niche, because it sheds light on entire local industries.”
*The Case for the Human Writer: Wordsmith Saffron Clacy doubts AI will ever be able to replace the human writer.
Humans will always be better at authenticity, editing, client communications and SEO, according to Clacy.
Observes Clacy: “As useful as it may seem to get content published as quickly as possible onto your Web site, an AI can’t incorporate anecdotes or put something together with human emotion — which is what copywriting is about.”
There are many who disagree, of course.
And they believe it’s only a matter of time before AI writing prowess exceeds — or even bests — the most talented of writers.
*Brass Tacks: An In-Depth Look at Adding AI-Generated Writing to Your Business: Market research firm Forrester offers an extremely detailed look at how AI writing can transform a company with this 33-page report.
Specifically, the study focuses on how AI writing from Arria NLG — also known as Natural Language Generation — can realize a 209% return on investment if implemented wisely.
Arria can bring about this change by auto-writing everyday business reports, according to the Forrester report.
This in-depth look at Arria’s tech is perfect for a company decision-maker who is looking to dispense with the sizzle and dig into the real numbers and real results promised by AI-generated writing.
For an in-depth look at how automated company report writing from Arria — and similar AI writing companies — works, check out: “Company Reports That Write Themselves,” by Joe Dysart.
*New News/Social Media Summarizer Released: Business intelligence service provider Primer has released a new AI tool that quickly summarizes news, social media postings and other digital postings for companies and organizations.
Dubbed Primer Command, the tool is designed to enable organizations to monitor, analyze and respond to rapidly unfolding events in real-time.
Observes Sean Gourley, CEO, Primer: “We started Primer to put the best machine learning tools in the world into the hands of the very people who are required to make decisions to protect communities, civil liberties, critical assets and infrastructure, and our way of life.
“What we deliver to them makes a difference — and the timeline to deliver has never been more urgent.
“Today, we’re making Primer Command generally available to a much wider audience of public and private sector organizations.”
*Phrasee to Offer Real-Time Language Generation: Phrasee says a new feature of its AI writing tool enables users to auto-generate messages in response to customer sentiment.
Ideally, the tool will auto-generate customized messaging based on behaviors that customers exhibit while interacting with a company using email, social media, Web sites and push messaging.
*Podcast: Pros and Cons of AI Copywriting Tools: Marisa Shadrick offers a critical look at AI-driven copywriting tools in this 18-minute video.
Key points Shadrick examines:
~How to use AI tools without jeopardizing sales
~How AI tools work and why they could dilute your brand message
~When to use artificially-generated content
~What tools and technology can’t replace
~How much time can AI tools save — or are they time-suckers?
*New Legal Doc Automation Directory Released: For an eyeful on the proliferation of automated documents service providers in the legal profession, check-out this directory.
It tracks 250 companies currently offering document automation software to law firms.
The directory also features ‘Top Picks’ across several categories, including general doc automation, contract lifecycle capabilities and process automation.
*AI Big Picture: Demystifying AI: While it’s tempting to categorize artificial intelligence as ‘black magic box’ wizardry, David Teich implores us to dispense with the gee-whiz.
This is especially important when thinking about neural networks — the tech behind a great deal of AI writing — he says.
Observes Teich: “It’s the complexity of neural networks that seems to confuse people.
“The many layers and the nodes in each layer makes explanations difficult — especially since many coders don’t want to explain what they’ve done.”
For more on what goes on inside the ‘magic box,’ click here.

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–Joe Dysart is editor of and a tech journalist with 20+ years experience. His work has appeared in 150+ publications, including The New York Times and the Financial Times of London.